Certified to Certify: The First Program Of It's Kind
overwhelmed, what certification should you invest in?
Are you…
Looking to learn from experienced individuals on HOW to do your job successfully?
A cannabis business owner looking to decrease labor cost and the learning curve with compliance operations?
Entering METRC data or a METRC Administrator?
Want to start a cannabis career?
There are cannabis certifications EVERYWHERE these days, but, how do you know which program is right for you?
The “normal” cannabis certificates you frequently see are expensive ($5,000+) and may not help you with all required knowledge and skills you need to perform your job successfully.
Very few people in cannabis businesses understand how training works or how to leverage it for a return on their investment.
currently, there isn’t another comprehensive cannabis compliance operations certification option other than rmcc.
You want confidence that your investment will teach you what you need to know; including shedding light on blind spots.
It can be tough when you “don’t know what you don’t know”!
“RMCC is the backbone of the cannabis compliance community”
after you’re certified:
RMCC’s cannabis compliance certification business operator training, will not only give you a certificate but,
You’ll learn how to excel in conducting advanced METRC audits.
Save time and money by eliminating costly compliance errors.
Implement compliance operational efficiencies Save $25,000 in labor cost per employee from RMCC’s proven methods.
Increase your personal value - on average certified individuals may realize an annual $5k increase of salary.
Employers/Third parties may validate your credential.
“I question how applicable their training program is. I designed for impact that can be vetted with statistics. I’ve had multiple people tell me that the content of [Large Cannabis Media Company] is interesting and educational but it didn’t actually teach them how to do the job.”
Not only is Debbi the CLO of RMCC, but she also holds the position of Certifications Director for ATD RMC. ATD is the world’s largest association dedicated to talent development professionals.
Students gain confidence in knowing their training is designed with proven methods for maximum impact.
Students see their knowledge expand as they engage with the RMCC community.
You can trust that RMCC’s State Track & Trace Administration Certification program will give you the tools to apply everything to YOUR cannabis business to improve your bottom line. RMCC’s current clients report saving $25,000 in labor cost per employee from our proven methods.